Post is some resume of Webby awards 2012. Maybe this post serves you only like the link to awards, that in itself is also helpful but I pick some interesting sites, so you can just scroll down and let you be inspired. (link to awards is down just scroll:D)
About Webby awards, this competition is something like oscar ceremony but among web pages. Nominees pay entry fee and then members of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences pick one site in nearly 70 categories like a BLOG, COMMUNITY, NEWS, ART, SPORT etc. Second winner is choosen by people's voice.
So this competition is really representative.
I pick up some sites with interesting design, but competition is also about usability and functionality.
My category "nivo slider :D"
I liked idea of animated clip in slider, so here is another motion between sliding. Motto here is: more motion more interest.
One big slider. Other things didnt loaded.
Slider and sciene.
Category scroll down
Here is winner of site structure, i like the scroll down menu and original progress bar.
Annoying opening animation, althougth its very good, but without possibility to close it.(seen 10 times) But who don't love beetle...

IE works better then chrome here, sad I know:(
Another scroll down site similar to beetle, with impressive 3D look. (Milujem bublinky)
Category astounding fabulous flash
aka. low, irritating, greedy
In chrome Shockwave player crashes several times, i used firefox but here whole browser crashed. After several crashes i got a idea to update a Shockwave player :) it works, magic.
One big minus point of all flash sites is that it takes long(er) time to load and also it consumes more memory(I know that chrome consumes the most memory among browsers but really 6GB is not enought?). Anyway, in my opinion its worth it.
drawastickman.comTotaly the best site I found. Winner of BEST USE OF ANIMATION OR MOTION GRAPHICS category. No doubts.
Another site where you can use creativity, and you can win 25000$ :-O
I add this here just becouse i saw two caymans today and also some nice play with opacity.
and its mosaic, i like.
Not sure if this is flash
becouse it dont crash :D
Another example that interesting 3D things can be done without flash.
Im just playing with dots and lines... ok, after some time its boring.
Here is a artists web of a year, with idea and special font as it should be.
Category others, i dont have name for theese:
Nice 360° country presentation site. Idea is that you can switch between panoramas. If we could have similar on Slovakia...
You can see difference:
I see mosaic sites before, this is about people and 911, it describes theme very well. Black color, lots of people here.
You can see some bad white stripes coused by moving with cursor here(chrome), clicks dont take action in (opera) and in (firefox) is broken layout.
I like mosaic sites.
Mosaic and flash <3
Suddenly, I found category name, its MOSAIC.
I hope you liked this post, and HERE is the link which i promised. Don't forget to update a shockwave:)
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